6/6/2020 Update

Now that Governor Jim Justice has raised the public gathering limit from 25 to 100, we are preparing to move into phase 2 of our regathering plan in fourteen days. This means after the next church-wide open-air gathering on June 28, we will be resuming in-person gatherings at both locations on July 5.

During Phase 2:·      

  • Continue livestreaming gatherings.
  • Return to in-person gatherings on updated schedule:
    • 8:15AM – This gathering will be for all who are vulnerable individuals by age, personal health, or family considerations. Masks will be required at this hour. There will be no childcare offered at this hour.
    • 9:45AM. There will be no childcare offered at this hour. Masks will be encouraged but not required.
    • 11:15AM. There will be no childcare offered at this hour. Masks will be encouraged but not required.
  • Three gatherings will be held in the morning to maintain social distance.
  • Each gathering will be posted on Eventbrite and shared on Facebook and Slack to allow everyone to save a seat each week.
  • Gatherings will be shortened to one hour.
  • Sanitization Team will be created to thoroughly sanitize gathering spaces.
  • We will abstain from serving coffee or refreshments.
  • Seating will be arranged to keep families and housemates at a safe distance apart.
  • We will abstain from physical greetings.

We are eager to begin gathering again with our church family. Until then, let’s reach out to our team leaders to prepare to serve together with wise practices to maintain social distance and good sanitization in this transition, let’s praise God for reduction in COVID-19 cases, and let us know any questions that arise until then.

Grace and peace,

Chris, Chatto, and Scott

Download the full Regathering Plan here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_xYR9EaTV-FG5kQpA6oipb-azBF2m0c7/view?usp=sharing

Check this page to find updates from the pastors on worship gatherings, community groups, resources, and more as events develop. 

Watch this Sermon by Pastor Chris from Psalm 46 to find Certain Hope in Uncertain Times


If you’re new to Crossroads, say hello.

If you need help, please let us know. We will do our best to help out.

If you are able to help, Let us know.


In-Person Gatherings at Crossroads Morgantown and Fairmont Are Suspended

Last week the elders made the difficult decision to suspend our Sunday gathering and meet in groups and homes for worship and livestream of the Word. We had hoped at that time to continue meeting in community groups throughout the week and gather in groups for worship on Sunday mornings. Since then, the COVID-19 outbreak has continued to worsen, with the CDC recommending cancellation of all gatherings over 50 on Sunday evening and President Trump advising the cancellation of all gatherings over 10 on Tuesday. We want to continue to worship the Lord and honor the authorities over us; therefore, In accordance with this guidance, all in-person gatherings, community groups, classes, etc. will be suspended for the next eight weeks unless something changes.

We would prefer to gather as the church corporately and in community groups throughout the week, but at this time we believe this decision to be best to protect the most vulnerable, to maintain our witness to the watching world, and to play our part in loving our neighbor by preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Our plan at this time is to suspend our gatherings, but continue in weekly worship in homes through live-streaming songs of worship, prayers, and a sermon from our sermon series in 1 Corinthians, Strange Church: Living By the Wisdom of God in a World that Does not Know God on Sundays at 11:00AM on Facebook Live. We encourage you to gather with as many as the CDC presently recommends in your home (families, invite over a neighbor that does not have a church home, if you’re single, gather with a few from your discipleship circle or community group) to worship together. Share the livestream each week, check-in, and comment if you’re there to spread the word and to interact with other members of the church.

In-Person Community Groups Are Suspended

Because our President advised groups of 10 or more to refrain from meeting, we are transitioning our community groups online to Google Hangouts (or other video conferencing) for the short term. If you’re already part of a group your CG leader will communicate with you weekly any updates, and if you’re not yet part of a group you can get connected here.

What Can You Do During This Time?


Please continue to pray for those affected around the world, including in our own community who are suffering with sickness, the increased stress on their jobs at this time, or the experience of sudden unemployment.


If you have to be out, be kind to your nurses and doctors, your clerks, and others who are feeling the added stress of this time. Support local businesses. Check up on your neighbors. We’ve created a card you can print and leave on the door to offer help to others in your neighborhood.


Stir up your hope each morning by opening your Bible before your newsfeed to be still before God. Spend time in prayer throughout the day and hold fast to the unfading hope of life we have in Jesus Christ.


Let your reasonableness be known to all, and look for ways to share the Gospel, pray for others, and share the reason you have for the hope that is in you.

Additional Resources

Center for Disease Control – https://www.cdc.gov



Psalm 23
Psalm 46
Psalm 91
Psalm 112
Isaiah 25-26

Isaiah 40
Matthew 14:22-36
Mark 4:35-41

Luke 12:22-34

John 14

John 17
Romans 8
Philippians 4:6-7
1 Peter 5:7
Revelation 21-22


A Mighty Fortress

All I Have is Christ
Be Thou My Vision
Behold Our God
Blessed Assurance
How Firm a Foundation
It Is WellJesus Strong and Kind

Psalm 130 (From the Depths of Woe)
Rock of Ages
Solid Rock
‘Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus
What a Friend We Have In Jesus

Spotify Playlist “Songs of Comfort for Anxious Souls” from the Gospel Coalition


A Prayer for Medical Providers

“Jehoshaphat and Coronavirus” by Pastor Jason Sevillehttps://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/jehoshaphat-and-coronavirus/

How Should Christians Respond to the Coronavirus?” https://mereorthodoxy.com/christians-respond-coronavirus/

“C.S. Lewis on the Coronavirus” https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/cs-lewis-coronavirus/

 “What the Early Church can Teach Us About the Coronavirus” https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/what-early-church-teach-coronavirus/

“Eight Things the Coronavirus Should Teach Us” https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/things-coronavirus-teach-us/

“A Plea for Christians Facing the Corona Virus” from Pastor Doug Ponder http://intersectproject.org/faith-and-science/a-plea-for-christians-facing-the-coronavirus/

Short Podcast from Desiring God: How Do We Make Sense of the Coronavirus?

Article From The ERLCA Q&A on coronavirus with an infectious disease specialist

1918 Transcript of Discourse Delivered by Francis Grimke:  “Some Reflections: Growing Out of the Recent Epidemic of Influenza that Afflicted Our City”

Article From 9MarksHow DC Churches Responded When the Government Banned Public Gatherings During the Spanish Flu of 1918

Article From The Gospel Coalition:  A Christian Response to a Pandemic


When I Am Afraid: A Step-by-Step Guide Away from Fear and Anxiety by Ed Welch https://www.amazon.com/When-Am-Afraid-Step-Step/dp/1935273159

Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest by Ed Welch https://www.amazon.com/Running-Scared-Fear-Worry-Rest/dp/0978556755/

Thomas Vincent, God’s Terrible Voice in the City (a Puritan’s response to the Great Plague and Great Fire of London, 1665-1666) Vincent was also active in administering pastoral care to plague and fire victims. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A64990.0001.001?view=toc

Martin Luther, Whether One May Flee from the Deadly Plague (Vol. 43 of Works; also in Lull, ed. Martin Luther’s Basic Theological Writings) https://tryingsmall.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/luther-on-plague.pdf

John Calvin, On the Visitation of the Sick (Vol. 2 of Tracts and Letters) Several of his biographies note how active Calvin was in pastoral care for the sick during several outbreaks of plague and sickness. http://www.wabashbible.org/Writings/Institutes/WritingsLetters/Visitation%20of%20the%20Sick.pdf

Family Worship

Lifeway has made resources for family worship available for each Sunday:

Step 1: Go to my.lifeway.com/redeem

Step 2: REGISTER IF YOU ARE A NEW USER or log in if you already have an account. This is completely free.

Step 3: Enter this redemption code: VZMD4SSQ38

Step 4: Click “Access” (if prompted to sign in again, sign in) and then click “My Dashboard,” and go to LifeWay Kids at Home

Step 5: Download your Activity Page and One Conversation Sheet to use as you watch the video session


You can continue to give by mailing checks to Crossroads Church at 15 Harrison St., Morgantown, WV, 26501 or by giving securely online at http://www.wvcrossroads.com/give 

Get Help

If you are sick or need groceries or prescriptions or prayer please contact us at info@wvcrossroads.com or e-mail pastor Chatto at chattoh@wvcrossroads.com


If you are healthy and able to serve please stay connected with your community group leader and wvcrossroads.com for ways to serve one another and our neighbors as they are posted. *portions of this handout adapted from Pastor Garret Kell’s Facebook posts.